Jal Shakthi - Water Body Restoration
SVRDS has restored Water Bodies by desilting Temple tanks & small water bodies in villages.
So far 100 temple tanks including the Chitrakulam Tank at Mylapore, Chennai has been de-silted at a cost of Rs. 275.00 lakhs. India Development & Relief Fund, USA has extended support to the Project.
Nearly Ten lakh villagers have benefited through this initiative.
The project has covered water bodies in remote villages like Konalam, Zamin endathur, Akkinampattu, Allikulam, Thathalur, Venugopalapuram and many more.
This is an ongoing and continuous project.
We welcome environment enthusiasts and corporates to support us in restoring more rural water bodies in the coming years.
It costs Rs. 2-3 lakhs to restore a water body.